chocolate candied hearts

If there’s one thing we all love at GiftWorksPlus, it’s the holidays! And holidays that include the distribution of candy are even better! Valentine’s Day is coming up quick, and we have all the custom photo frames, Valentine’s Day frames, heart frames, and other romantic gifts that would make for a thoughtful, meaningful, and unique present for someone special.

Let’s be honest, though, no Valentine’s Day is complete without a heart-shaped box full of chocolates. In the spirit of the holiday (and our deep love for chocolate), we thought this week we’d share some interesting facts about everyone’s favorite Valentine’s Day treat!

Delicious Facts about Chocolate

  1. Chocolate actually comes from a fruit tree. Cacao beans that are used to make chocolate come from little pods and are technically classified as seeds.
  2. It takes around 400 of these little seeds to create just one pound of chocolate!
  3. These little seeds were so valuable at one time that they were actually used as currency in early Mesoamerica.
  4. In keeping with the extremely high value placed on chocolate, cakes that were made with chocolate were included in the dowries of Spanish royalty.
  5. The first chocolate treat ever made was not the chocolate bar but it was actually hot chocolate.
  6. Despite the popularity of cacao beans, the first chocolate bar was not made until 1843.
  7. Chocolate is said to be even better for coughs than codeine.
  8. In a brilliant moment of negotiation, the inventor of the chocolate chip cookie, Ruth Wakefield, sold her idea to Nestle in exchange for a lifetime supply of free chocolate.
  9. German chocolate cake came from the American baker, Sam German, and not from the country Germany.
  10. Chocolate can greatly improve your mood! Even the smell of chocolate increases a specific type of brain wave and promotes relaxation.

This Valentine’s Day, you'll want to be sure to check out all the perfect Valentine’s gifts that we have available on our GiftWorksPlus website. We have plenty of gift ideas that will warm anyone’s heart and will also pair great with a box of sweet chocolates!