Earlier this year, GiftWorksPlus focused its custom picture frame blog on providing tips for taking better photographs. With a series of suggestions for capturing fantastic pictures of landscapes, people, events, and pets, GiftWorksPlus now offers a new blog post series—tips for decorating with photographs.
With this initial blog entry, GiftWorksPlus, your leader in customized gifts and personalized picture frames, recommends focusing on three tips:
1. Choose a them
2. Choose a color palette
3. Choose a display location
Why choose generic items to decorate personal spaces, including home and office, when you can display your own pieces of art? GiftWorksPlus engraved picture frame company believes that photographs tell stories. When choosing a theme, select photographs with similar themes such as children, pets, or sunsets. Choose favorites from special times and savor the tales of times past with each glance.
Once you have decided on a photography theme, it is time to move toward the color scheme. Consider the color palette that would be most complimentary to the theme. From muted tones to bold hues and black and white to sepia, the spectrum of available colors in the palette is vast. GiftWorksPlus suggests you choose one color style that compliments each of the photographs in the theme and convert copies of the pictures to that palette in a photo-editing program (stay tuned for editing tips in the next blog post).
Finally, choose a display location that will best suit the theme and color palette. Consider the number of photographs and the space available, then select the special place that will enhance and be enhanced by the pictures. Whether a gallery wall, mantel, sofa table or bookcase shelf, you can decide the right place for your photographs to tell their stories and reveal their secrets.
Selecting just the right custom designed frames is essential for any decorating style. GiftWorksPlus offers a full line of personalized picture frames, cute picture frames, and customized picture gifts. As always, if you don’t see what you are looking for, GiftWorksPlus welcomes special requests and offers free personalization on custom frames.
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Decorating With Photographs and GiftWorksPlus Custom Picture Frames
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