- More Smells! In winter when everything has frozen over, your dog may be less inclined to stop and sniff everything in his path. However when the ground melts and plants start to bloom again, you’ll notice your dog stopping to smell everything they can!
- More Animals! We all know that nothing steals your dog’s attention like a squirrel or bunny that happens to mosey into your yard. Dogs are inclined to protect their home and a tiny little bunny (however cute and harmless) is a big, scary intruder to your dog!
- More Energy!!!! If you have an excitable pup, you may notice them being even more so in the warmer months. The sleep chemical (melatonin) isn’t produced as much in dogs during the spring and summertime. Besides, with all those smells and critters to chase, who has time for naps?
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There’s Nothing More Exciting Than a Puppy in Springtime!

GiftWorksPlus |
At GiftWorksPlus, we know the value of puppy love… and by that we mean actual puppy love! We all love our dogs for their sweet and loyal dispositions; but as the weather gets warmer, you may notice some changes in their behavior. It seems that spring fever applies to more than just one species. Here’s how the change in weather affects your pup: